Check out our unique collection of love messages and quotes for lovers. Express your love with messages and make your lover, love you more and more. Share them on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ and all social media.
Sweet Love Messages and Quotes For Lovers
- ♥ The best feeling I ever have is when you call me your sunshine, yet we are watching the moonlight. It tells me that I am not the only one who loses their mind when we are together.
- ♥ All I wanted was to hear the most romantic song sung by you. You came my way and you not only sang the song, but you also taught me to dance to its tune.
- ♥ We met when we were toddlers.
We did not know what love was.
We grew to be teenagers who wanted to feel loved though we did not know what it felt to be loved.
Now we are young adults that have known that love is both sweet and bitter and we are still growing strong.
Together our hairs will grow gray, because our love is to stay. - ♥ They asked me the color of your eyes. I told them lies because I was afraid they would steal you from me, because you are the only guy with the hottest blue eyes.
- ♥ Love stories have been told,
love poems have been recited,
love letters have been written,
love songs have been sang,
but none of them can explain our love story.
They all forgot to include our episodes.
- ♥ I like it when you fit your fingers inside mine. I always feel like I am the strongest woman in the world because I can hold hands with the owner of the world, you.
- ♥ As long as the sun rises from the East, it is you I will remain to miss. As long as it sets in the West, you will always remain to be my best.
More Cute Love Quotes For Your Lover
- ♥ As long as my heart resides in the left, I will be a prisoner in your cell for thefts and trespassing in your chest.
- ♥ As long as there are twenty-four hours in a day, I will love you more each hour of the day and as long as tomorrow comes after today, my love for you will be stronger tomorrow than today.
- ♥ You and I are invincible.
Nothing can make us breakable.
The only force that can attack us and feel tender is the attraction between us.
It is irresistible.
Birthday Wishes SMS For Lovers
- ♥ I love you because you always try.
You do not walk away when I cry.
You do not know how to say good bye.
You stay with me until the tears dry.
- ♥ My love for you is not blind, it is sighted.
The sparks in us need to be ignited.
This is made possible by your eyes, because they shine with the brightest rays making me see you my love. - ♥ Last night was a cold night.
But I have every beautiful reason to thank you for that tight hold you have me.
I felt the warmth of being loved by you. - ♥ It is an amazing feeling when my Lover makes me feel butterflies in my stomach as we watch fireflies fall at night under the moonlight.
- ♥ Two different hearts which are miles apart.
But this mysterious force called love makes them one.
That is you and I, I love you so much.
Meaningful Love Quotes and Messages
- ♥ My love for you runs deeper than words will ever be able to describe.
- ♥ Being able to be in your presence is the greatest feeling in the world.
Everyone I run into can see the effect you have on me.
You have change me for the better and I am eternally grateful to you for this.
Love Quotes
- ♥ Every tear you drop is a kiss from your heart.
- ♥ You are as lovely as a beautiful rose.
- ♥ Your smile lights up your eyes whenever I see you.
- ♥ You are the perfect dream of a lifetime.
- ♥ My heart flutters when your love looks me in the eye.
- ♥ Sunshine is in my soul when I am with you, my love.
- ♥ Your lips are like cherries, your hair like silk, all it does is make me melt.
- ♥ I am blessed you are part of my life, and I must make you my wife.
- ♥ Two heartbeats are beating as one when you are close to me.
- ♥ Suddenly, there you are, and I am speechless in your beauty!
- ♥ You fill me with gratitude for the time that you have given to me.
- ♥ My woman is loving and sweet, your lips I love to meet.
- ♥ I am filled up with the light of your love, I am complete.
- ♥ My darling, you are all I will ever need.
- ♥ My angel, you are so heavenly and pure, I want you more.
- ♥ You are a sight to behold, a beautiful love story untold.
- ♥ When we met, I knew you were the angel I’d always dreamed of.
- ♥ I am not sure if dreams come true, all I know is I love you.
- ♥ I knew you were the one and only for me the first time I saw you.
- ♥ How can a woman be more than perfect, for that is what you are.
- ♥ I love the way that you love me and fulfill my need for love.
- ♥ I knew you were the one and only for me the first time I saw you.
- ♥ Never look back, just forward where we shall make wonderful memories!
- ♥ I’m unworthy to have your love, as I am only a man with nothing to offer but love.
- ♥ Your beauty is all through your every pore, I want much more.
- ♥ Have you ever loved me as I have loved you?
- ♥ I strive to be a more honorable man because of your undying love.
- ♥ If I show you I love you, can I hold you in my arms forever?
- ♥ My darling, I love you more than all the loves in the world.
- ♥ You smell so delicious, I want to bathe you in chocolate!
- ♥ When I love you, all the wrongs turn to right and I am at peace.
- ♥ Will you marry me my darling, oh will you?
- ♥ Let us love like a child freely loves his grandmother.
- ♥ You are the twinkle of my eyes baby!
- ♥ I love you so much my heart aches inside.
- ♥ Can you tell how much you are loved by me sweetie?
- ♥ My eyes only see the wonderful things about you.
- ♥ Life without you is not complete, for you are the reason I live.
- ♥ I love you so much my heart aches inside.
- ♥ I want all of you, not just some of you because I love you.
- ♥ I wanna hold your hand, stroke your heart and touch your soul.
- ♥ My eyes only see the wonderful things about you.
- ♥ I love the way that you love me so sincere and loyal.
- ♥ Be my wife and let us get on with our life.
- ♥ How can I tell you I love you? Let me show you the ways.
- ♥ Darling, I will love you forever.
- ♥ I love the way that you love me and fulfill my need for passion.