Bridal Shower Wishes and Messages

Bridal Shower is a gift-giving celebration and the most happy moment, just before the wedding takes place. It’s also a happy moment for the bride’s close friends and family.

Except from the gift that you need to give to the bride, it is very important to find the right words to compose an unforgettable wish for her and her future married life.

Read through and find many unique and heartfelt Bridal Shower Wishes and Messages for this unique moment.

50 Bridal Shower Wishes

  • ♥ May the two of you stay in everlasting love, and may your love bring forth a beautiful offspring to bring you joy through the years.
  • ♥ I love to see that smile on your face! May this smile never leaves your lips! Congratulations!
  • ♥ Wishing the two of you the best that life has to offer, and hoping your big day will be the first of many to come.
  • ♥ The gifts I brought you for this bridal shower, cannot describe how happy I am! May your married life be as happy as you have never thought it would be!
  • ♥ Your wedding day is the first day of the rest of your lives. Here’s hoping the two of you will be in love forever.
  • ♥ Never take for granted what life has to offer, including the person you truly love. Wishing both of you the best on your wedding day.
  • ♥ Maybe you two didn’t think you’d make it this far, but everyone else could see it from the beginning. You two make the perfect couple.
  • ♥ After all these years living together, it was obvious that the time, to see you bride, would come very soon! May you live more times like this together!
  • ♥ Dance alone today as it is your last time! All the rest dancing times, you will have a partner guiding you! Enjoy a life full of happiness!

Bridal shower wishes

  • ♥ Life is full of surprises, and the biggest surprise is that you waited this long to get married! Best wishes on your special day.
  • ♥ Even though you can’t wait to get to the wedding night, how about enjoying your special day first? Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.
  • ♥ Love is priceless, and many take it for granted. You two have a love that will last for a long time, congratulations.
  • ♥ Wedding Wishes and Messages
  • ♥ If long lasting love was worth money, then you both would be rich! Wishing the two of you a long and happy marriage.
  • ♥ Although it’s been a long road, both of you have worked hard to get here. May your wedding day be a joyous one.
  • ♥ Wishing you and your new spouse the best on your upcoming day, and here’s hoping for a lot of grandchildren for your parents!
  • ♥ You’re not married yet, but pretend you are, so you’ll be less surprised when they leave dirty socks on the floor! Congratulations on the wedding.
  • ♥ I’m jealous of you! I want my time to be a bride, will come soon! Congratulations and may you both always smile!
  • ♥ Marriage is a tough, and it lasts for a lifetime. Since love lasts for a lifetime also, then you two will have a blessed marriage.

Bridal shower wisjes - Everlasting love

  • ♥ Loving someone is never easy, but if you love your spouse as much as you love yourself, then your marriage will last a long time.
  • ♥ Loving each other may be difficult, but just picture your life without the other person, and that’s even more difficult. Best wishes on your wedding.
  • ♥ When you foresaw your wedding in the future, you never thought that you’d be this happy. Wishing you both many more happy days. Congratulations.
  • ♥ Since your wedding day is almost here, I’d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom, and wish the both of you all the best. Congratulations.
  • ♥ Wedding Wishes for Friends and Congratulations Messages
  • ♥ Weddings can be a pain, but the marriage is worth all the effort. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.
  • ♥ Like a sailor knows the ocean, a bride easily recognizes the face of the man that loves her.
  • ♥ The key to a successful union to falling in love over and over again – with the same person.
  • ♥ Keep your wedding cup filled to the brim with Love and you will always be happy.
  • ♥ Come on girl, it’s your bridal shower party! Dance, laugh and go crazy!
  • ♥ The best marriages follow the rule that if you are wrong, admit it and when you are right, hush up!
  • ♥ Marriage is not necessary how compatible you are with each other, but how you complement each other strengths.
  • ♥ There is nothing more beautiful than a marriage filled with Love and Joy to carry you through the years.
  • ♥ May your Love grow from a tiny acorn of passion into a solid tree with strong roots to weather any storm.
Bridal shower wishes and messages
Congratulations and may you both always smile!
  • ♥ The beautiful things of this world cannot be touched, heard or seen, they need to felt from the inside, through the heart.
  • ♥ Congratulations on finding your perfect mate! We wish you a future filled with love and happiness.
  • ♥ Wedding Wishes for Sister ~ Congratulations Sis!
  • ♥ Ingredients for a happy marriage: Heaps of Love, large spoonful of compassion and understanding, a cupful of humor and a pinch of romance.
  • ♥ A solid, happy and long-lasting marriage is make up of friendship, love, understanding and all the sweetness that life has to offer.
  • ♥ A sunny day begins with a shower…wishing you great happiness for every day of your union as husband and wife.
  • ♥ Today you got showered in gifts! May your marriage be showered with love, joy and happiness. Congratulations!
  • ♥ It is obvious that you found the one your soul searched for. Wishing you an abundance of happiness together.
  • ♥ Love is more than words, it is a steady pattern of devotion and the daily acts of kindness bestowed on your lover.
  • ♥ Some say that Love makes the world go round, but the truth is – Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Short Bridal Shower Wishes


  • ♥ Where love abides, happiness flourishes.
  • ♥ May your heart always be filled with love for each other.
  • ♥ Wishing the beautiful bride to be many happy days.
  • ♥ The best gift to give each is your ultimate love.
  • ♥ Best wishes on your upcoming nuptials!
  • ♥ An excellent marriage is the union of two forgiving people.
  • ♥ The only true happiness of life is the ability to Love.
  • ♥ May every day of your marriage be a rainbow of Love.
  • ♥ Reap the harvest that your Love for each other brings forth.
  • ♥ Marriage is an intimate and intricate dance.
  • ♥ Love is what awakens the soul and allows us to reach for the stars – together.
  • ♥ A woman’s loving heart is the greatest gift to grace a man’s’ world.
  • ♥ True Love is the confirmation that dreams can become reality.
  • ♥ Wishing you a happy marriage filled with many happy moments shared together.
  • ♥ Allow Love, Hope and Joy to guide your steps during your marriage.



  • ♥ Like the roses need the rain, a girl needs a man! Congratulations!
  • ♥ May your wedding be the first of many fairytale days together.
  • ♥ The wedding last but a day, the best is yet to come. Enjoy your marriage.
  • ♥ May your life together always rain a shower of Love.
  • ♥ Wishing you both a great wedding day and every day thereafter.
  • ♥ Wishing you both great joy as you open the next chapter of your life together.
  • ♥ Wishing you great happiness as you enjoy the journey of marriage.
  • ♥ May your wedding day be a beautiful as you are!
  • ♥ Happy to share your bridal shower with you.
  • ♥ The fire of a marriage is ignited by the kindling of love and friendship.
  • ♥ Showering you with wishing of a happy and long life together.
  • ♥ Ultimately, marriage is a friendship that reached as passionate level of intimacy.
  • ♥ Love, the one word that conquers all pain.
  • ♥ Being loved by a special person provides strength.
  • ♥ Loving someone with all your heart gives courage to face life.




Bridal Shower Wishes