The relationships are difficult and after many years of marriage, the couple may face many problems. Your parents are no exception.
The most valuable gift for them, that will help them overcome any obstacle, is you – their child or children. In their wedding anniversary, you have a great chance to make them feel proud of you. So don’t lose this chance and find the right words to tell them how you feel and how proud you are about them.
Browse our unique collection of Wedding Anniversary Wishes for Parents and pick the one that can describe your feelings best.
Wedding Anniversary Wishes and Messages for your Parents
- â™ Mom, Dad, where would I be without the two of you? With a twinkle in your eyes and then your love brought life to me.
- â™ No truer love have I had the blessing to witness than the love of my mother and father. They taught by example about love.
- â™ Love lifts wings under the arms of two people and lifts them higher than they have ever known. That is what I see with you.
- â™ Life may have it’s ups and downs, but having a life with someone you truly love and respect, makes it all so much better.
- â™ Kinder people I have never known who have shown proof of their love by honor, trust, respect, and hope everlasting.
- â™ Parents who truly love one another will always be the kind of parents who set the example for their own children and we’re blessed.
- â™ Blessings of true love come fleeting in our lives. When we grab those blessings and let them root us, they give us wings.
- â™ Each day we are fortunate to know the love that you two share and show, is a day where we can feel peace.
- â™ There must have been a meeting of the angels who put you two together on this earth to create such a legacy of devotion.
- â™ Leaving it all to chance is one thing, but leaving to up to love, allowed the two of you to create a loving family.
- â™ Like two flames that flicker joined into one large flame, the two of you have generated warmth throughout your union forever lighting love’s altar.
- â™ I have seen love, that I may know love, that I may find love, because of the true love that you have shared with me.
- â™ Mom and Pop, you two have given me such guidance and inspiration when it comes to knowing what to look for in love.
- â™ Truer love than I have seen is rare and to be cherished forever in the arms of each other and shared with others.
- â™ To be one of the many blessings from this union of loving husband and wife I have been truly enriched to witness happiness always.
- â™ There are no two better parents for me. I am fortunate to have had the best and kindest, most understanding couple to raise me.
- â™ Two people, looking for something in each other, found themselves and let their light shine so we could be a part of the flame.
- â™ Sparks flew when the two of you met. It is evident in the embers that worked to make a warm and happy home.
- â™ Celebrating this union with the happiest of anniversary wishes is not only my honor, but also my legacy and I am forever grateful.
- â™ Could it be possible to know and love somebody so much and for so long? Happy anniversary to the two who proved this possibility.
- â™ It is an honor to be able to stand before my parents and wish them the best of many years to come after years of devotion.
- â™ If it is possible to love the same person for several years, then I know it is equally true that these two people have proved this.
- â™ Truth be told, if it were not for these two, I would not be here and for this and many other reasons I wish you happiness.
- â™ Considering that there are no two people alike, these two, who I am blessed to call mom and dad, met their match for unity forever.
- â™ Happy anniversary to the best of parents who have shadowed us throughout our lives and taught us the meaning of true love.
- â™ May your anniversary be full of as much happiness as you have shown each other and your children all these wonderful years.