Easter Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. It’s two days after his crucifixion, Good Friday. This day symbolizes the win of life over death.
Below you can find many religious Easter wishes to share with your family or close friends. Use them in your Facebook and Twitter messages, SMS and greeting cards.
Religious Easter Messages and Greetings
- † Easter is the season to rise up. Celebrate a new life! Happy Easter!
- † New life and much hope wished for you this season!
- † Easter is a time to ignite with life. Live with new hope and fresh light!
- † Springtime is a-springing. Spring into a new Easter season! Happy Easter!
- † Time to eat those Easter eggs and dine at a feast! Celebrate Easter tide.
- † Children gather their Easter basket goodies and rejoice in the springing step of Easter!
- † The time for quiet is gone and now the time to rejoice in Him is here.
- † Dormancy is gone and now we can spring up with Easter tidings
- † Earth is no longer silent but erupts with glad Easter tidings. Happy Easter!
- † May His risen life enliven you at this Easter time! Happy Easter!
- † The suffering is no more. Rejoice in His rising to this new life of Easter time.
- † Time of mourning is no more. Rejoice is Christ’s Easter season. Happy Easter!
- † The earth, at His passion, stood still. Now its time to vibrate and live!
- † Our senses are filled with delight. Rejoice in this Easter Resurrection time. Happy Easter!
- † He suffers with us. Now let us rejoice with Him in this Easter time!
- † He died for us so now let us rejoice with His rising this Easter season!
- † He gives us new life. Let us rejoice to be alive! Happy Easter!
- † He gave His life so let us live at this Easter time!
- † Tender love and warm wishes to you at this Easter celebration time!
- † Arise to new life. He bought it for us for this Easter season!
- † He rose for us so let us rise to living! Happy Easter!
- † Rejoice! Now is the time to renew our lives this Easter time!
- † Put on your best clothes and give thanks to the King of Kings this Easter season.
- † Children’s games abound. It’s time for fun and celebration!
- † It’s time to celebrate with the Easter bunny cake. Have a happy Easter!
- † Coconut and spritz top the cake but who can top this Easter celebration!
- † Freshness and warm wishes for you at this Easter springtime!
- † No clouds about but the sun is ever bright to celebrate Easter!
- † Warm waves of glad Easter tidings are sent your way!
- † He caused the earth to erupt. Now life begins. Enjoy this Easter time!
- † Easter greetings to you at this Resurrection time!
- † Heavenly thoughts and heavenly wishes are sent to you at this Easter time!
- † Jesus arose and now we can live. Happy Easter tidings!
- † Without His rising we’d be dying. Enjoy this resurrection season!
- † Soft whispers of love are sent across the waves to you. Happy Easter!
- † Spring is emerging and His presence is exploding! Happy Easter!
- † May vigor and health prosper you at this Easter tide!
- † The earth’s vastness is erupted. He arises. Happy Easter!
- † Tulips and lilacs will bloom and its time to awake. Happy Easter!
- † He arises. Resurrection life to us who look for Him!
- † His soul arises. May our souls rejoice in this festive season!
- † May peace and prosperity abound for you at this Easter season!
- † Happiness is wished for you during this festive occasion of the Resurrected life!
- † May His mercy and peace abound with you as we celebrate this Easter time!
- † Let this risen life wash us in His mercy and love for this Easter season!
- † Greetings and much peace fill you during this resurrection time!
- † He passed from clouds of black and thru clouds of white to give us His Easter blessings!
- † He triumphed from the cross through the grave to give us his Resurrection blessing!
- † He was the only one who could pass from death to give us His new life! Happy Easter!
- † Awakening of our senses are now enkindled. It is time to emerge and rejoice!
- † Eggs dipped in vinegar to color, silent reminder of Christ’s passion. Earth erupts rejoice in Easter Resurrection tidings!