Easter is a time of renewal and a time of rising up and rejoicing. We celebrate Easter because Jesus—betrayed by Judas Iscariot—was put to death for spreading God’s love and his word throughout the land. Jesus rose on Easter Sunday having washed away our sins so that all who worshiped in God, could be saved.
The Easter egg became a part of the celebration due to its role in the Easter feast held by Catholic parishioners after Lent. The Easter lily is a more recent addition, and is the symbol of purity, faith, and life everlasting.
People exchange happy Easter wishes and greeting cards together with eggs and chocolate bunnies. Use the following list of Easter Messages, Greetings and Images to make unique and beautiful Easter Greeting Cards.
Happy Easter Messages and Greetings
- † May your Friday be without enemies, your Saturday and Easter Sunday full of hope, and your life full of grace.
- † In this time of joy, give praise to almighty God and feast, for his son has insured your place amid the angels.
- † Lay down your crosses and lift up your voices in song and praise, for Jesus has delivered us from our evil ways.
- † Be of good nature this Easter; spread God’s joy and love to all who feel pain and misery.
- † As Christ has risen, allow your spirit to sore and your love to bear fruit in the Lord’s name.
- † Feather your baskets with eggs, your home with warmth, and your heart with the gospel of Jesus.
- † Paint your heart red with the blood of Jesus so that God may know you as his disciple.
- † With nails in His hands and a crown of thorns on His head, Jesus died for our sins. Let us praise the Lord!
- † The gift of God’s love has more value than the Easter Bunny’s eggs, and more purity than the lily in spring.
- † Present yourself before God as Jesus presented himself to the Easter Feast, with a life renewed in faith.
- † Bear your cross of hunger through Lent, so that you may rejoice in the fullness and glory of Easter Sunday.
- † Realize your destiny through the promise of life eternal and give loving praise to our Savior.
- † The greatest gift to mankind wrapped Himself in flesh and died for our sins. Let us glorify Christ’s name as we celebrate His life.
- † With spring comes renewal in the earth as Easter brings a refreshing in the hearts of men. To God be the glory!
- † Easter brings bright smiles to the faces of those who joyously celebrate Christ for His endless love and awesome sacrifice.
- † May the fruits of the spirit manifest within you as the love of Christ lives deep in your hearts. Hallelujah!
- † Do not cover your head with an Easter bonnet, but allow God to smile upon your face with love.
- † All your Easter finery will not cover the evil in your heart, be humble in God’s presence. Happy Easter!
Religious Easter Wishes And Messages
- † Raise your children with care and love, and teach them the true meaning of Easter. Have a Happy Easter!
- † Celebrate each day as you celebrate Easter with a faithful eye toward the sky.
- † Peace and blessings be unto you as the joy of the Lord renews your strength and energize your faith this Easter holiday.
- † Hallelujah! Christ has risen from the dead and has rolled the stone way. So too, has He removed all hopelessness and strife.
- † Easter is a reminder of God’s love for us, His resurrecting power and saving grace. Be abundantly blessed this Easter.
- † Be you of good and merry attendance every Sunday, as you are on Easter Sunday.
- † Thirst not, for Christ has quenched thy hunger with his sacrifice for all who worship with him.
- † Jesus Christ died on Calvary to save a wretch like you and me. Thank God for His love and blessings this glorious Easter
- † While dreams of bunnies, baskets, and eggs dance in children’s head, make sure that God lives in their hearts.
- † Be as fertile as the Easter egg in tending your garden of faith in God’s good works. Have a Happy Easter!
- † Live your life everyday as though it were Easter and be filled with happiness.
- † This Easter greeting comes with a prayer for all things hoped for and dreamed of coming true as you celebrate the life of Jesus Christ.
- † Lift up your hands all ye people. Our salvation has come. We were bought for a price we could never repay.
- † As you take the time to reflect on the meaning of Easter, may the Spirit of the Lord rest upon you and yours.
- † While the gospel is indeed good news, Christ’s resurrection is even greater news. May your Easter be filled with love and happiness.
- † Easter is here. May your faith, trust, hope and joy arise like Christ who is risen. Have a wonderful Easter.
- † May you have a basket full of blessings and an egg-stra ordinary day this Easter. Christ lives and His mercies endure forever!
- † May you and your loved ones enjoy each other as you celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
- † Lay your burdens at the cross and toss your worries aside. Give thanks with the fruit of your lips for the Lord is yet alive.
- † You have been redeemed, for Christ has defeated death in order that you may live a life delivered from sin.
- † Shout with a voice of triumph. Leap unto your feet with glee. Christ our Redeemer has set the captives free.
- † Wishing you an Easter overflowing with cheer and promises fulfilled. Wishing you an Easter that springs forth good things anew.
- † As Christ gave of himself upon the cross, surrender your life to God so that you may be saved. Happy Easter!
- † Heaven is as beautiful as the Easter lily in the field, and holds the greater promise everlasting peace and joy.
- † God released the Israelis from human bondage; his love frees our hearts of the worry that binds us.
- † Tell the Devil, “Be gone you foul beast”; Easter Sunday is the celebration of God’s faithful and devout souls.
- † May your Easter feast be satisfying, and your hunger for knowledge be filled with God’s wisdom. Happy Easter!
- † Have a happy and safe Easter, and don’t allow the commercialization to still God’s thunder.
- † Through Jesus Christ, our souls are unburdened and free to celebrate the wonder of God’s love.
- † Easter is a celebration of life, purity, and the bountiful gifts that spring forward from God’s paintbrush.
- † Our lives have been altered by Christ’s resurrection so that we may experience the innocence of life renewed.
- † The laughter of a child as they hunt Easter eggs is just one more of the awesome creations of God’s love. Happy Easter!
- † Rejoice! Honoring Christ for the shedding of His blood so that we might have life more abundantly. Again, I say rejoice
- † All that we are and all that we can be was determined the moment Pilate conspired to take our savior’s life.
- † The blessings of Easter are around us every day, if we take the time to slow down and enjoy God’s beautiful world.
- † Take a page out of Christ’s life and learn to give so that others can be blessed through your charity. Have a Happy Easter!
Easter Greeting Cards